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Day 16 The Arrival

Our last day of cycling together reads like a movie script. The setting: our course today is a microcosm of the journey itself. Those who wanted to take there time did so. Those who were running out of time helped to shepard others and maintain momentum. Those who wanted to shatter their best time did exactly that.  It was great once we got rolling. There were challenges, but nothing we couldn't handle. The views were gorgeous (on the rare occassion where we could look up from our Garmin screens). There were wrong turns, van rescues, popped tires, bike falls, people lost, people found, and in the end we all arrived safely. Heroes: I have a saying that I try to live by: surround yourself with champions. Champions are forged by challenges and how they choose to react to them. Champions can help keep you motivated, lead by example, and can even find a way to make it fun. I was surrounded by champions each day: people for whom "opting out" ...

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